October 20, 2011

HALLOWEEN: Lovecraft Movie Moment #6 - The Thing

6. Remains
The Thing, John Carpenter   1982

It is only with vast hesitancy and repugnance that I let my mind go back to Lake's camp and what we really found there...

I have told of the wind-ravaged terrain, the damaged shelters, the disarranged machinery...

...the varied uneasinesses of our dogs, the missing sledges, and other items, the deaths of men and dogs,

...the absence of Gedney, and the six insanely buried biological specimens...from a world forty-million years dead.

The principal things I have been keeping back relate to the bodies, and to certain subtle points which may or may not lend a hideous and incredible kind of rationale to the apparent chaos...

The crowning abnormality, of course, was the condition of the bodies--men and dogs alike.  They had all been in some terrible kind of conflict, and were torn and mangled in fiendish and altogether inexplicable ways.
"At the Mountains of Madness" 

07. The Little Mermaid - "The Call of Cthulhu"
08. Dagon - "The Temple"
09. The Descent - "The Lurking Fear"
10. Hellboy - "The Other Gods"
11. Ghostbusters - "The Dunwich Horror"
12. From Beyond - "From Beyond"
13. Vampyr - "The Silver Key"
14. Evil Dead II - "History of the Necronomicon"
15. The X-Files: Fight the Future - "At the Mountains of Madness"

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