October 16, 2011

HALLOWEEN: Lovecraft Movie Moment #8 - Dagon

8. Shrine
Dagon, Stuart Gordon   2001

My impulse to visit and enter the temple has now become an inexplicable and imperious command which ultimately cannot be denied.  My own German will no longer controls my acts, and volition is henceforward possible only in minor matters.

Such madness it was which drove Klenze to his death, bareheaded and unprotected in the ocean; but I am a Prussian and man of sense, and will use to the last what little will I have.

When first I saw that I must go, I prepared my diving suit, helmet, and air regenerator for instant donning; and immediately commence to write this hurried chronicle in the hope that it may some day reach the world.  I shall seal the manuscript in a bottle and entrust it to the sea as I leave the U-29 forever.

I have no fear, not even from the prophecies of the madman Klenze.  What I have seen cannot be true, and I know that this madness of my own will at most lead only to suffocation when my air is gone.  The light in the temple is a sheer delusion, and I shall die calmly, like a German, in the black and forgotten depths.

This daemoniac laughter which I hear as I write comes only from my own weakening brain.  So I will carefully don my diving suit and walk boldly up the steps into that primal shrine; that silent secret of unfathomed waters and uncounted years.

"The Temple"

09. The Descent - "The Lurking Fear"
10. Hellboy - "The Other Gods"
11. Ghostbusters - "The Dunwich Horror"
12. From Beyond - "From Beyond"
13. Vampyr - "The Silver Key"
14. Evil Dead II - "History of the Necronomicon"
15. The X-Files: Fight the Future - "At the Mountains of Madness"

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